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Listen To Seismic State's New Single 'Blinded By The Sun'

Listen To Seismic State's New Single 'Blinded By The Sun'

Chris Cudby / Monday 6th May, 2024 1:29PM

Rattling cages with their March single '2 Homes', Te Whanganui-a-Tara's Seismic State follow their own riff-wrangling muse on new anthem 'Blinded By The Sun'. An ode to holding true to youthful aspirations whether artistic or professional, despite the dream-crushing conditions imposed upon us by our present day neo-libertarian overlords, singer Rogina De Jong spells out a stark scenario familiar to many Aotearoa artists: "When I get older / reality kicks in / gotta get a job / get a house / and a million dollar loan". The windy city four-piece will be letting rip at Boneface Tavern on 17th May with Tāmaki Makaurau's Death Chemist, surf-punks Underwire and space rockers Electric Tapestry, then on 25th May at Napier's The Cabana with Bad Schematics and Say or Do — hit play on 'Blinded By The Sun' and head along...

"During your youth and as you mature people around you often emphasise that anything is achievable – you can become whoever you aspire to be, regardless of the path. However, as you age, you encounter a contrasting perspective that aligns more with the realities of the world. Despite these varying messages, it’s important not to get blinded by external influences and lose sight of your own aspirations. Instead, forge your path, set meaningful goals, and work towards realising them.” — Rogina De Jong

Death Chemist, Seismic State, Underwire, Electric Tapestry
Friday 17th May - Boneface Tavern, Wellington

Tickets available HERE via UTR

Bad Schematics, Seismic State, Say or Do
Saturday 25th May - The Cabana, Napier

Tickets available HERE via UTR

'Blinded By The Sun' is out now on major streaming services.


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Death Chemist, Seismic State, Underwire And Electric Tapestry
Fri 17th May 7:00pm
Boneface Tavern, Wellington
Bad Schematics: We're Back with special guests
Sat 25th May 8:00pm
The Cabana, Napier