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The Tutts

The Tutts

Monday 9th August, 2010 1:52PM

We catch up with Matt Robertson from The Tutts on the eve of their debut album.

Been around since?
We formed around mid 2005 and were playing live by 2006.

Current line up?

Our current line up is the same its been basically since the beginning except a couple of very first shows when we had a different bass player. We have scotty allen on vox, mat robertson on guitar,james percy on drums, john mcnab on bass and dan mclaughlin on guitar.

Where are you based?


Musical history?
We have all pretty much been in musical groups/ideas since we were teenagers, nothing to really write about, you know, the usual teen rip off stuff,grunge and punk etc.

What were you listening to back in high school?

Nirvana, Weezer, Supergrass, Rage.

What are you currently listening to?
Tutts mastering, over and over....just checked out Kings of Leon new album actually.

The state of music in NZ is…?
W|ell we don’t consider ourselves afficiandos of nz music but our friends bands are writing some cool stuff, and if anything there seems to be no shortage of new acts popping up.

What’s your favorite place to play?
I think we all agree that San Fran Bath House in wellington is really cool. We have always had a good time there and its looks good aswell.

What was your favorite show?
Big day out 2007 was a favourite, playing to so many people and that they had made an effort to watch us made us feel a bit special.

This is album no?

What is your recording process?
Record rhythm section first, then spend long amounts of time doing guitars and vocals and all the extra parts, we did drum and bass tracking at the lab and recorded the rest at home in a make shift studio.

What's been your best recording experience?
Probably just getting drunk and mucking round, getting something good down.

What’s been your worst recording experience?

No real major issues apart from just how long it took I guess.

Biggest achievement thus far?
Finishing our first record..we could go on about how great we are and all the accolades but really this is our first offering of recorded music which we think kicks a bit of ass so maybe our achievements lie ahead of us at this point.

Favorite radio show/station?
Bfm..also like talk back...boring aye?...but very amusing all the same.

The Future holds…?
oh you know take over the world and all , we really want to travel overseas and play..write more music, live , breath and stuff.