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Album Review
Quicken The Heart

Quicken The Heart
by Maximo Park


Review Date
5th October 2009
Reviewed by

Procrastination is a hell of a thing. If someone asked me what I do best, I would probably wait two weeks, avoid a couple of phones calls, delete emails without replying, before guilt drove myself into a response with the obvious answer.

I had not heard Maximo Parks two earlier albums but I had heard the hype. With my first few listens of their third album "Quicken The Heart" I enjoyed the post-punk energy of the songs, bringing me back to the debut Franz Ferdinand album and conjuring images of Robert Smith. However in the time is has taken me to write this review, the peyote influenced Arctic Monkeys "Humbug" and the building excitement of anything Them Crooked Vultures has left me creating flexible deadlines and making false promises about this review.

Really it left me rather uninspired to put any pen to paper (flesh to keyboard). If your a Maximo Park fan you know what your looking for and will enjoy the album while cursing my ignorance.

Key tracks are "Questing, Not Coasting", "I Haven't Seen Her In Ages" and "Wraithlike"