Parrotdog's September FREE gig brought to you by The Slack Agency.
You’ve earned a break, maybe it’s time you got caught slacking..
Introducing The Slack Agency, the love child of good-time facilitators VMorg and Low Strung, who are teaming up with Parrotdog to bring you The Belair Lip Bombs (AUS).
Freshly signed to Jack White’s Third Man Records and already making waves with a stellar debut in NZ earlier this year alongside Hockey Dad, we're thrilled to bring them back across the ditch.
These shows are for the people—come catch one of Melbourne’s hottest rising acts without breaking the bank.
The Belair Lip Bombs at Parrotdog Bar.
Friday 13th September.
Doors from 8pm.
Parrotdog Bar, Lyall Bay.
Free entry.
#parrotdog #nice
The Belair Lip Bombs,
Low Strung,
The Slack Agency
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