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Featured Tickets

Luke Buda And Phoebe Rings
Hollie Smith
Eyehategod - Turned Trouble Tables - Aotearoa Tour
Jon Toogood
Tom Lark
Mel Parsons - Sabotage tour
花溪 Flowerstream EP Release w/ Samara Alofa & Tooms
FUNHAUS do Iggy & The Stooges
Teenage Dads (AUS) - Majordomo Tour
Matt Joe Gow & Kerryn Fields
Sheeps: Working the Machine Album Release Tour


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How it works

When you buy tickets through you will be issued a ticket that can be displayed on your phone or printed to gain entry to the show.

One ticket can hold up to ten entries (if you purchase 10 tickets) and can be used separately by any members of your party not attending the show with you, they just need a copy of the ticket.