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Stream Roy Irwin's New Album 'S.O.D.A.'

Stream Roy Irwin's New Album 'S.O.D.A.'

Monday 15th February, 2016 11:02AM

The fourth full-length album from Auckland musician Roy Irwin was released over the weekend and is now available for streaming via his Bandcamp page. Titled S.O.D.A, the record lyrically circles around themes including "bad acid trips, misspent youth, struggles with Work and Income, feeling like a piece of shit, death and feelings of depersonalization and an existential crisis," according to the Irwin, who plays all instruments on S.O.D.A and laid down the whole thing in his bedroom. Stream the album below, and head over to 1:12 Records to pick up a copy on vinyl, or grab a tape via Danger Collective...


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