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Preview Tracks From Upcoming Multi-Media 'Sonic Comic' Project

Preview Tracks From Upcoming Multi-Media 'Sonic Comic' Project

Wednesday 8th March, 2017 2:00PM

A new project titled Sonic Comic brings together a compilation of art of both the visual and sonic disciplines. Put together by art and noise afficionados Beth Ducklingmonster, Chris Cudby and Indira Neville, the collection highlights 35 pieces of music by cross-platform artists with each tune having an accompanying comic and includes the likes of Toby Morris, Edward Gains, MF Joyce, Liz Mathews, Robert Scott, Bek Coogan and loads more.

Sonic Comic launches on 18th March with a fitting live hullabaloo, where one can obtain the 36-page comic which includes a download code for the aural accompaniments. In the meantime a handful of tracks have been let loose for your aural perusal...

Check out Strange Stains’ contribution…

This track is certainly not one to Omit from you listening…

And peep Ducklingmonster’s live cut of ‘Do The Revolution’…


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Sonic Comic Launch With Strange Stains, Bigfatraro, 7keys, and Vampires
Sat 18th Mar 7:00pm
Audio Foundation, Auckland