Satin Sheets Returns With Single 'Air 98' + Announces New Album 'St. Francis II'
Out in time for 4/20 day, Aotearoa electronic artist Satin Sheets has revealed an advance taste of his long-awaited follow up to 2017's classic vaporwave album St. Francis. Launched online today via US imprint 100% Electronica (home of UTR office stereo faves George Clanton, Neggy Gemmy and Equip), zoned lead single 'Air 98' transports this listener immediately to tranquil beachside summer days, splashing my feet around in crystal clear water while contemplating ever-morphing cloud shapes floating high above. Sporting killer artwork by Marcelo Lavin, the blazed beatscape sets a tantalising scene indeed for Satin Sheets' aptly titled sophomore long player St. Francis II ("lost on a hard drive until 2022"), set to drop later this year — hit play below...
'Air 98' is out now on major streaming services via 100% Electronica.
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