Interview: Kraus
Auckland-via-Dunedin artist Kraus (aka Pat Kraus) has over the last decade assembled a peerless and tricky-to-catagorise solo discography where analogue electronics meet garage psychedelia. Releasing his works online and via limited edition physical media, his excellent latest album Supreme Commander has just been released on vinyl via Moniker Records. Kraus has also recorded and performed alongside The Futurians, the Maltese Falcons (with Ducklingmonster & Stefan Neville) and more. He's been described by the Listener magazine as "a national treasure" and "one of the most quietly important and interesting people making music in New Zealand". Kraus recently turned his attention towards live performance with a flurry of recent shows under his belt – we recommend you catch his next show this Thursday evening at the Audio Foundation....
Click here to read our interview with Kraus conducted by Chris Cudby in collaboration with the Audio Foundation...
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