Death And The Maiden (dn) Uneven Ground Album Tour

Death And The Maiden (dn) Uneven Ground Album Tour

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Tour Information
Ōtepoti band Death and the Maiden are hitting the road this winter to celebrate the release of 'Uneven Ground', their follow up to 2018's 'Wisteria'. album 'Uneven Ground' will be a step up and outwards sonically, even as the lyrics turn more inward than the epic worlds evoked in some of the songs in 'Wisteria'. All the familiar elements each person in the trio brings to their distinctive sound remain intact; at once familiar, but also different, like a new skin. - Ian Henderson

Catch them in Ōtautahi / Christchurch on July 12th at Space Academy with support from Moider Mother and Birdation.

Tickets $15 + b.f pre-sale or $20 on the door