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Marlon Williams Unveils New Single 'Vampire Again' + Announces NZ Shows

Marlon Williams Unveils New Single 'Vampire Again' + Announces NZ Shows

Wednesday 9th August, 2017 9:00AM

Marlon Williams has lifted the lid off glistening new tune 'Vampire Again' and announced three dates on home soil for November. The new single comes accompanied by a self-directed video made in collaboration with UK cinematographer Steve Gullick and is the first offering from the Melbourne-based artist since his heart-stopping solo debut album which was released in early 2015. Speaking about the genesis of 'Vampire Again', Williams says it was concieved during a time of isolation and utmost boredom during an overseas jaunt:

"The germination of this song began in LA last year. It was indeed Halloween again, and I was bored, having spent a week locked away in an Airbnb by the airport trying in vain to write a song. Any song. Nothing came. So Halloween comes around and I figure, "Hey, I'm gonna go out tonight. Alone. Comfortably alone. Comfortably alone to see the LA Opera performing a new score to accompany my fave scary flick Nosferatu at the Ace Hotel. I'm gonna dress as the spindly creep himself. What's more, I'm gonna get super blazed before I go. And be comfortably alone."

"So, off I go, having spent far too much on a last minute outfit, and step out of the Uber and onto the red carpet with a nauseating air of self-confidence. "This is my night. I am strong. I am human and it is my right to express myself how I see fit." Turns out I was running late, and when I finally enter the theatre everyone was already seated and the overture had begun. What's more, no one else was dressed up. Well they were, but in tuxedos and lovely dresses. And there was nowhere for stoned ole spindleboots to sit. So, I hunched and crawled my way down the aisle and sat on the floor like it was the most reasonable thing to do at an opera."

"I made it through the whole film and then calmly turned tail, satisfied that I'd had a good time and sure that I'd heard whispers of "bad-ass" as I left the building. I'd like to believe that this was, at least in part, the catalyst for a whole new period in my life and my art. But that's bullsh*t."

Anyway, here it is, my own demented tale of New Age self-affirmation; “Vampire Again.”

Sink your teeth into 'Vampire Again' below and scroll down for show dates and ticketing information...

Marlon Williams

Friday 10th November, Point Chevalier RSA, Auckland
Saturday 11th November, San Fran, Wellington
Sunday 12th November, Blue Smoke, Christchurch

Ticketmaster members pre-sale commences midday today (Wed 9th Aug) for 24 hours or until pre-sale allocation is exhausted.

General public tickets on sale from Ticketmaster at 12.00PM NZST on Fri 11 Aug.


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