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Here's Five: Sub Pop's Stuart Meyer Shares Musical Milestones

Here's Five: Sub Pop's Stuart Meyer Shares Musical Milestones

Thursday 17th August, 2017 12:38PM

Stuart Meyer has had a long career in the music business, having worked at Billboard Magazine in the late 80s, Atco/Atlantic Records into the early 90s, and then a dash at Epic Records before heading into Sup Pop in 1997 - where he has clocked up an impressive two decades working as a production manager as well as in a A&R capacity. Early next month we will be given the opportunity to receive pearls of industry knowledge from Meyer as he arrives on our shores as one of the lauded international speakers coming as part of this year's Going Global Music Summit. With that in mind we asked Stuart to share five musical milestones of his 20 years with Sub Pop, and like a true champ he gave us six!! Check out his picks below...

1. The Shins - 'New Slang'

It just meant everything to the band's career as part of Oh Inverted World and at the time, Sub Pop's sorta-second act, post-grunge. And for years it sent chills whenever they'd play it live. Just the most special song I've had the privilege to be involved with.

2. Wolf Parade - 'I'll Believe In Anything'

If I remember correctly, it almost didn't make Apologies to the Queen Mary. And to this day, seeing the band perform it live is amazing.

3. Washed Out - 'Amor Fati'

This song is the epitome of what I'd hoped we'd get when we signed Ernest Greene to Sub Pop. Perfect pop.


4. Thumpers - 'Unkinder'

The great lost hit of my past 20 years at the label.

5. The Head and the Heart - 'Lost in my Mind'

I wouldn't have picked this as the single. Ha, oops. This band meant a whole lot to me at the time - the songs on the debut really hit me as we had just lost a longtime friend and co-worker in a car accident.

6. Iron & Wine - 'Southern Anthem'

Sam Beam gave us two CDs of his home recordings and let us cull an album from them. The Creek Drank the Cradle is what came of that. Super special relationship ever since.

Stuart is one of the many awesome international speakers coming to our shores next month for the Going Global Music Summit. Head over here for the full list of speakers, and over here for info on the Going Global Showcase.


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Going Global Presents
Sat 2nd Sep 6:30pm
The Wine Cellar and Whammy Bar, Auckland