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Sleaford Mods Drop New Album 'Eton Alive'

Sleaford Mods Drop New Album 'Eton Alive'

Friday 22nd February, 2019 9:20AM

Unstoppable Nottingham electro-punk duo Sleaford Mods have unveiled their fifth studio album Eton Alive, hot on the heels of their scathing yet surprisingly club friendly lead single 'Kebab Spider'. Eton Alive sees production maestro Andrew Fearn's off-kilter beats and driving loops gesturing towards the dance floor in a fresh move that suits the duo to a tee, with vocalist Jason Williamson's incisive and hilarious spoken-word lyrics losing none of their bite over room-shaking bass and pounding kicks. There's lots for listeners to chew on with Eton Alive – wrap your ears around a stream of the whole collection here and read Williamson's words on the new record...

“Eton Alive speaks for itself really. Here we are once again in the middle of another elitist plan being digested slowly as we wait to be turned into faeces once more. Some already are, some are dead and the rest of us erode in the belly of prehistoric ideology which depending on our abilities and willingness, assigns to each of us varying levels of comfort that range from horrible to reasonably acceptable, based on contribution. So after the digestive system of the Nobles rejects our inedible bones we exit the Arse of Rule, we fall into the toilet again and at the mercy of whatever policies are holding order in the shit pipe of this tatty civilisation. It is here our flesh regenerates as we rattle into another form, ready, and ripe for order”.

'Eton Alive' is out now via Extreme Eating / Southbound.


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