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Listen To Casual Merlin's Debut Single 'Known Star'

Listen To Casual Merlin's Debut Single 'Known Star'

Chris Cudby / Wednesday 28th October, 2020 1:04PM

Enigmatic Tāmaki Makaurau recording artist Casual Merlin has conjured up a cosmic debut release given sonic shape as 'Known Star'. Like a frolic through the forests of your own imagination, 'Known Star' illuminates the hidden knowledge locked within your mind via cavernous bass, brain-peeling guitars and all-around otherdimensional sound-sorcery. While info on Casual Merlin is scant (read: non existent), aside from some swish illustrations over on their Bandcamp page, we're already hooked. Casual Merlin shared an intriguing accompanying statement for 'Known Star'...

"A cosmic journey of self discovery finds us stumbling around in the dark corners of ourselves. We bump into shame and skin our knees on our own shortcomings. These shadows feel like monsters in the dark and the urge to run, to hide, to bury them deep is an instinct of survival.

However, when we have the courage to look upon them, to illuminate them with our gaze, we can find an opportunity to improve. The weight of that darkness dissolves in the spotlight and we are lighter because of it. Finding the joy in that challenge in the mirror will get us so much further than fear and self-criticism ever could."


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