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Jed Parsons Shares Sophomore Album 'BRUNCH'

Jed Parsons Shares Sophomore Album 'BRUNCH'

Annabel Kean / Photo credit: Daniela Aebli / Friday 19th February, 2021 10:41AM

Sweet or savoury? Poached or scrambled? Oat milk or soy? Those are just a few of the questions you won't have to answer when it comes to Jed Parsons' BRUNCH. Written, performed and delivered right to your table, the Taite Prize nominated Ōtautahi indie-popper serves up a perfectly balanced meal on his sophomore album, the follow-up to cheeky 2018 debut MIDNIGHT FEAST. Parsons has a knack for lyricism that's so clever, and instrumentation so warm and welcoming, that it might not be until a second listen through that you realise how heartbreaking some of the songs on BRUNCH actually are. There'll be no bottomless mimosas for the poor guy with the empty pantry in 'Get Desperate', and the protagonist of 'What You Need' probably didn't even get invited. For anyone who's had the pleasure of seeing Parsons live, you'll be familiar with his wicked sense of humour and enough charisma it leaks out his ears, which just makes the sad songs hit harder — like when bad things happen to Robin Williams in movies. I've completely derailed my train of thought by mentioning Robin Williams [I liked him in Popeye — Ed.]. Just listen to this beautiful album please, it's the second most important meal of the day...

The man, the myth, the Jedgend traverses the Canterbury hills in a well-intentioned, though misguided journey through self-reflection to album single 'Sad Together'...

Jed Parsons' second album 'BRUNCH' is out now on vinyl and streaming services.


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