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SPELLLING Unveils Single 'Little Deer' + Announces New Album

SPELLLING Unveils Single 'Little Deer' + Announces New Album

Chris Cudby / Photo credit: Catalina Xavlena / Thursday 15th April, 2021 11:45AM

The project of Bay Area avant-pop artist Chrystia Cabral, SPELLLING's 2019 sci-fi / fantasy album Mazy Fly was a highlight of that year for many (including myself), encouraging us all to embrace our inner freak. We're stoked to hear her third long-player The Turning Wheel is on the way, teased by lead single 'Little Deer'. Exploring sonic realms beyond her synth-soaked home turf, SPELLLING's new record features an ensemble of 31 collaborating musicians, as heard in the uplifting and opulent orchestration of 'Little Deer' — emblematic of the new record's themes of "human unity, the future, divine love and the enigmatic ups and downs of being a part of this carnival called life".

“Little Deer” is definitely a thesis track. I feel that way because it not only showcases the greatest range of instrumentation that is featured on the album, but also because it accomplishes this strong impression of theater that I was striving for with the album as a whole. I’m especially proud of the lyrics. The challenge with the lyric writing was being able to speak to really large concepts like karma, reincarnation and the cycle of life without making the song sound burdened. I wanted the lyrics to match the grandeur of the instrumentation but still be easy to sing along to. I figured out a way to build the lyrics using a lot of abstract language that is still singable but odd in a way that 1 hope makes it memorable." - SPELLLING

'The Turning Wheel' launches on Friday 25th June via Sacred Bones Records.


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