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Louisa Nicklin Unveils Single / Video 'Thick' + Announces New Album 'The Big Sulk'

Louisa Nicklin Unveils Single / Video 'Thick' + Announces New Album 'The Big Sulk'

Chris Cudby / Photo credit: Zoë Dunster / Thursday 2nd May, 2024 10:26AM

Dimmer live bandmate with Shayne P. Carter and fourth member of Mermaidens for their summer album launch tour, it's time for in-demand Tāmaki Makaurau songwriter Louisa Nicklin to saunter back into the solo spotlight. She's announced today her second album The Big Sulk, produced by the aforementioned Carter and releasing in full on 23rd August, heralded by hauntingly powerful lead single 'Thick'. Nicklin's startling vocal talents will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight, as 'Thick' lyrically and sonically considers "the concept of leaning into a situation as a means of escaping thoughts" via muscular rhythms and crypt-like, deeply reverberant atmospherics.

Directed by Ali Burns and made with support from NZ on Air, the accompanying video for 'Thick' is like a fading polaroid of a distant Aotearoa, the morose-looking Nicklin's loud fashion and gelatinous food feels alien yet queasily familiar when set against her spine-tingling track. Preorder the the new record via Bandcamp or Flying Out and don't miss Nicklin playing at the Twenty Years Of The Wine Cellar Songwriters Special 'Into the Grotto' event on 29th May, curated by Babe Martin — also starring Kraus and Samara Alofa...

"'Thick' was an opportunity to play around with strange sounds and fun little riffs, incorporating lots of Shayne Carter-inspired guitar moments.

The video was inspired by 70s food and style. We wanted to lean into some of the strangeness of the food from this era — it’s mildly unsettling but you can't quite put your finger on why."

It Seemed A Good Idea At The Time - Twenty Years Of The Wine Cellar

Wednesday 29th May - Songwriters Special 'Into the Grotto'*
featuring Louisa Nicklin, Kraus, Babe Martin, Samara Alofa + more to be announced

*Tickets available HERE via UTR (festival concession tickets + supporter packages available)

'The Big Sulk' releases on Friday 23rd August, vinyl LP preorders available via Bandcamp and Flying Out.


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It Seemed A Good Idea At The Time - Twenty Years Of The Wine Cellar
Mon 27th May 8:00pm
The Wine Cellar, Auckland