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Guess Who's Coming To Town...

Guess Who's Coming To Town...

Wednesday 9th April, 2014 1:25PM

It's taken a few months but we finally have our first Guess Who feature of the year and it's a double banger to boot!

Yes we have not one but two features to run this week because the show we're going to be announcing this Friday is a double header. Here are some clues about one of the bands....

From the US, this band has been around for about a year and features a couple of drummers from female led bands prominent in their respective eras...

Take a guess by commenting below and if you're correct you'll go in the draw* to win a single pass to one of their two New Zealand dates.

*you must comment while logged in to qualify

UPDATE: well that was far too easy - it is of course Upset, touring with White Lung this June. CLICK HERE for the official announce and we'll draw and notify the winner later today.

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