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Big Day Out 2009  second announcement rumours

Big Day Out 2009 second announcement rumours

Tuesday 28th October, 2008 12:00PM

The official second announcement is a few days away but it's so much fun to have a punt, here we go again.

Eagles of Death Metal - New album coming out and mentions of down under tours
ACDC - yeah  - we always say that, but they are playing now in their last set of live shows
Black Mountain - yeah why not, with only one South American date in Nov it's likely
The Smiths - hell if Coachella is on the cards then maybe (although we have one nostalgia band already)
MGMT - yep the dates are lining up as they are still in Aussie on the 13th of Jan
Vampire Weekend - Still open
Cat Power - dropped hints at playing summer festivals last time she was here
Head Like A Hole - recently reformed and would be killer in the Supertop again
The Hold Steady - after playing the V Festival, their mySpace reveals some Aussie dates around the time

Aint gonna happen:

Oasis - playing Germany at this time
Metallica - touring elsewhere
Nine Inch Nails - headlining Soundwave in Australia in February

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