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Split Enz reform to tour NZ

Split Enz reform to tour NZ

Monday 12th November, 2007 12:00PM

History Doesn’t Repeat. It just gets better.

Split Enz, the group that helped define the course of music in New Zealand and Australia, are reuniting and hitting the road in March 2008 for a New Zealand tour that eNZ fans have only dreamed of.

Next March Tim Finn, Neil Finn, Eddie Rayner, Noel Crombie and Nigel Griggs will bring the inimitable style of Split Enz to arena stages in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

In 2006 Split Enz reformed for a tour of Australia that attracted universal praise.

"The 12,000-strong sell-out crowd was delighted by the pop smorgasbord on offer." The Age, Melbourne

"The Finns’ vocals have lost none of their power, the rhythm section really hums and Rayner’s keyboard antics are more dexterous than ever." Sunday Mail, Adelaide

"The set was a dream run through a decade of golden hits…" Courier Mail, Brisbane

"…the Enz wasted no time showing their true colours haven’t faded, much to the delight of an excited, eclectic crowd." The Advertiser, Adelaide

"The Kiwi legends haven’t lost an ounce of showmanship during their two-decade absence from Australian stages, while their songs remain timeless slices of quirky pop and masterful melodies." The Australian

Audiences can expect to be treated to a typically extravagant - full of hits - Split Enz concert but The Frontier Touring Company’s Michael Gudinski says fans should also be prepared for some surprises.

"I’m thrilled that Frontier is promoting Split Enz’s upcoming tour. They were one of the greatest acts of all time on the Mushroom label.

"Split Enz have had so many hits throughout their career that they are icons. I have every expectation that fans will be on their feet all night singing along – as I will be. Split Enz define the 70s and 80s for so many Kiwis so this is going to be the ultimate gig for these people."

It has also been confirmed that Noel Crombie will once again take up the double mantle of band member and stylist/set designer. So be prepared for some classic Split Enz costumes with a bit of modern flair and a return of the famous spoons!

Split Enz have defied critics repeatedly, surviving thirteen lineup changes throughout their twelve year career, while securing numerous number one albums and singles in Australia and New Zealand. Canadians embraced them with three number one album spots, while the UK, Holland, Belgium, Israel and Spain all saw the band chart into the Top Ten.

Their fans are amongst the most dedicated in the world, with the band’s official fanclub, Frenz of the Enz, boasting 15,000 paying members from across the globe. In recent years, the membership has increased notably as younger and younger fans have discovered the timeless appeal of Split Enz’s music.

Don’t miss out on Split Enz touring New Zealand in March 2008. Tickets go on sale Thursday 15th November.

Frontier Members tickets will be available from 2pm NZ time Tuesday November 13 until 2pm NZ time Wednesday November 14 (or until pre-sale allocation is exhausted).

Click here for presale information

Tour Dates
Sunday 23 March Christchurch
Westpac Arena
Ticketek Christchurch · 03 377 8899

Tuesday 25 March Wellington
TSB Arena
Ticketek Wellington · 04 384 3840

Friday 28 March Auckland
Vector Arena
Ticketmaster NZ · 09 970 9700

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