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Henry Rollins in NZ

Henry Rollins in NZ

Thursday 14th February, 2008 3:21PM

Press Release:
Henry Rollins: provocateur, renaissance man and, let's face it.. really funny guy, returns to New Zealand this April for his umpteenth Spoken Word tour. Henry was last here in January 2006 as part of the travelling Big Day Out circus - the first performer to appear on the BDO in such a capacity - enthralling thousands as only Henry and his sense of truth, justice and the humorous way can. More recently that that, Henry has been seen in New Zealand hosting his own TV show - The Henry Rollins Show - aired regularly on Rialto (SKY TV). Henry has also been seen in the movie Wrong Turn 2 and will shortly begin work on a new movie, the tentatively titled ICE 44 with Ray Winstone an Cuba Gooding Jr. In between times Henry has toured the US and Europe performing spoken word and continues to visit the war torn Middle East entertaining and bringing some respite to the troops stationed there “A hard-core renaissance man who clocks life with military precision,” said the Boston Globe. “The 46-year-old former Black Flag frontman rants, raves, reminisces, opines, and editorializes…during his latest and well-titled show, Provoked."

“On stage, Rollins barks a fierce oratory about things like the Iraq war and the state of corporate media, while weaving in anecdotes about his latest adventures in places like Syria and Australia and then gushing over his love for authors like Tolstoy and Hemingway,” adds the Santa Cruz Sentinel. “He goes a mile a minute, always astute, hilarious and intense.”

Simply put, “Rollins’ spoken-word shows have become a lengthy but exhilarating forum,” writes syndicated columnist Alan Sculley.

Tickets for all shows will go on sale 21st February from and Real Groovy.

Tuesday 29th April : Wellington, Paramount Theatre
Wednesday 30th April : Auckland, Bruce Mason Theatre

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