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Album Review
Tsunami EP

Tsunami EP
by X-Ray Fiends


Review Date
20th September 2011
Reviewed by
Thomas Shoebridge

Listening to X-Ray Fiends makes you feel as though you're some sort of surf-garage-bandito-rock star, living on the edge of society, taking part in only the most badass of activities. And you are, at least until tracks like "Emerald Green Beat Machine" finish, and you soon realise that you really don't have the goods to back up that strut you were just rocking. But it's cool, because the next song is just going throw you right back into it again.

The Tsunami EP is the first official release from the trio of surf-garage-banditos, who are fast on their way to rock star status, with title and opening track "Tsunami" getting a substantial amount of play on the bNet stations. Channeling what could almost be described as a post-Tarintino amalgamation of sound, X-Ray Fiends manage to expertly balance their influences throughout the EP, allowing the lighter float of psych to share as central a stage as the straight-talking surf-punk material.

With a growing reputation as a staggeringly good live act, X-Ray Fiends' Tsunami EP is the perfect partner to tide you over between gigs."


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