Ex.D and Girl Trouble Present...
Ikonika with Riki Gooch, Benny Tones and Lord JXN
Saturday Oct 6th
San Fran Bathhouse, Cuba Street, Wellington
$20 from utr.co.nz & RPM
After an epic 6 hour DJ set last year, UK producer Ikonika is coming back to Wellington, this time for an exclusive show for at San Francisco Bathhouse on Saturday, October 6th, presented by Ex.D and Girl Trouble.
It takes a lot to get musical titans like NME, DJ Mag, and the Guardian to sit up and take notice, yet Ikonika, a young woman from West London, has done exactly that. Releasing her debut album in 2010 on the legendary Hyperdub label, Ikonika received critical acclaim for, Contact, Want, Love, Have, with The Guardian listing as one of their top ten albums of 2010. She was described by The Observer as a rare female face in the male-dominated world of electronic music, Ikonika melds the genres juddering bass with Aphex Twin-style melodic mischief-making”.
Wellingtonian Riki Gooch has been adding his groove to the music of some of our brightest talents over the past 10 years, notably including as one third of the legendary TrinityRoots. In recent times he has been developing a style and sensibility all of his own, releasing a debut album provocatively titled ‘Great News for the Modern Man’, under the Eru Dangerspiel moniker. That percussion-driven project recently exploded into the form of a massive live concert staged at Auckland’s Town Hall. The concert featured nearly 20 musicians plus a small choir in an extravaganza of sound that was complemented by an impressive AV display.
Fondly considered as the fourth member of Wellington future soul band Electric Wire Hustle, you may have already witnessed some of the audio magic of Benny Tones without realizing it. Benny is a producer in his own and his album ‘Chrysalis’ speaks for itself, a combination of laid back beat music and New Zealand Soul. ‘Chrysalis’ represents Benny Tone’s re-introduction as a producer and features a diverse host of vocal and instrumental collaborators including Electric Wire Hustle’s Mara TK and many more.
riki gooch,
benny tones,
lord jxn
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