Listen: Luckless - No Civil War
Luckless (aka Ivy Rossiter) has released the poignant single 'No Civil War' in an effort to raise funds for Medecins Sans Frontieres. Rossiter, who has been on tour in Europe for the last six months, says that she has slowly been getting used to being loser to the world-changing events that we see on the news every day.
"I feel insignificant and powerless in the face of atrocities and gross displays of inhumanity; I feel angry at the cold, unwelcoming faces of those who are in a position to help," she explains. "This is my own small way of helping; I offer this new track, ’No Civil War’, as a Pay What You Want download. After the bombing of the Medecins Sans Frontieres Kunduz Trauma Centre, I decided that all the proceeds from the download of this track, will go to MSF to help support them in their humanitarian efforts in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and all over the world." You can stream the track below and then we encourage you to head over to Bandcamp and contribute to the cause...
Luckless will also be releasing her album Vindication Blues on vinyl last this month, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
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