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Listen: Norman Angel - Jingling Christmas Eve (Lawrence Arabia)

Listen: Norman Angel - Jingling Christmas Eve (Lawrence Arabia)

Wednesday 14th December, 2016 2:13PM

Perennial good sort Lawrence Arabia has gifted the world a new seasonal single titled 'Jingling Christmas Eve'. On his Facebook page, Arabia has written a lengthy passage description the song's creation, which you can read below while you enjoy the track...

From the Lawrence Arabia FB page:

In 2006, my dear friend Norman Engel and I conceived of an idea of tapping the popera market with an album of Christmas favourites. Alcohol and some degree of hubris were involved. We began recording an album entitled "Norman Angel – Christmas Angel," which we obviously thought was hilarious, but which we secretly hoped would exploit people's sentimental taste and sell truckloads of copies in the suburbs. Some of Norman's other close friends invested money in the project, and we set to finishing off the record and unleashing it on an unsuspecting, Yuletide popera-hungry public. Unfortunately, due in no small part to my own youthful inexperience and incompetence, I made what might charitably be called an undercooked record of maudlin schmaltz, and consequently got too close to Christmas 2006 without finding the necessary distribution network to adequately market it to the rest homes where it might have been a festive smash. Norman and our friends who invested in the project were left with a mountain of compact discs, and all of our parents and grandparents received copies of "Norman Angel – Christmas Angel" under the tree that year.

Amid the other songs, which Norman and I were discussing on the phone the other day as being "disastrous," (and which I take full responsibility for), one song stood out as having some actual life and inspiration within it – and, as Norman says in this video, was "completely different to anything else we've done" – "Jingling Christmas Eve." It's a jaunty song I wrote, inspired by a friend's Christmas Eve one night stand. It's got at least one appalling double entendre in it.

It's $2 or more to get a copy – the second dollar, and every dollar you may choose to give above that, will go to the Christchurch City Mission, towards helping provide some Christmas cheer for those in need.


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