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Premiere: Echo Ohs Unveil 'Aliens' From Upcoming Record 'Hot Pockets'

Premiere: Echo Ohs Unveil 'Aliens' From Upcoming Record 'Hot Pockets'

Monday 14th August, 2017 2:54PM

Auckland psychedelic surf stalwarts the Echo Ohs are letting loose their new single 'Aliens' as they get ready to release their debut album Hot Pockets next month. The album, which will be available on vinyl courtesy of local label 1:12 Records, has already spawned excellent tunes 'Up The River' and the titular 'Hot Pockets' and this latest release is upping our anticipation until we can get our greasy mitts on that wax. Take a listen and then scroll down to read our interview with frontwoman Yolanda Fagan about the making of the extra-terrestrial tune, their TEAC tape machine and the band's upcoming jaunt to the States to play Goner Fest....

Hi Echo Ohs! We’re stoked to be sharing 'Aliens' today! Can you tell us a little bit about what inspired the writing of this particular tune?

This is a classic rock 'n' roll song. Of course all rock 'n' roll songs are about sex drugs and aliens! This one is inspired by long stints of watching The X Files and Fringe late at night. I can't tell you any more than that with out undermining the integrity of the amount of nonsense in this song.

Ever had any run ins with visitors of the extraterrestrial kind?

Not so far but there's still time...who knows what will happen if we make it to New Mexico.

Yolanda and Guy, you are both core members of Bozo as well. How does writing songs for Echo Ohs differ from that project?

The song writing isn't so different but the different players/personalities change the sound - how the songs come out. We're all self taught in every aspect of music. I guess writing is writing no matter what it's for or who it's with. It's hard but luckily it's equally as rewarding. We now have two distinct caches of songs for both bands with the exception of one particular song that both bands play. We've got different songs and sounds but the process isn't that different.

'Aliens' is from your upcoming album Hot Pockets, which you've recorded at home on a TEAC tape machine. What were some of the challenges and some of the benefits of working that way?

When the tape machine is running as it should it's actually a really simple and easy process to get a good sound. We really like the way recording to tape colours the sound and adds a natural compression. It also adds an edge to the recording process as our machine can be a little temperamental and you are never sure if it has recorded cleanly or not.

After you drop the album you guys are heading of to the States to play Goner Fest and do a little tour!! What are you looking forward to most? Any must-do tourist spots you’re going to hit?

Goner Fest will be so so good. Really excited to see Peacers and Nots. I'm looking forward to meeting up with friends that we haven't seen for awhile - especially Thee Crockettes founder, Goner Fest veteran and music catalyst extraordinaire Fiona Campbell. Fiona suggested we go check out the Peabody hotel in Memphis and watch the parade of ducks. Apparently these ducks live in the hotel and march through the lobby on a red carpet to the lobby fountain each day. We'll check that out. We're doing a bunch of shows with Escape-ism on the west coast. Escape-ism is Ian Svenonius' solo project and it's amazing. That will surely be a highlight. We're still contemplating checking out Roswell on the way through the desert. Gotta get me an alien tee shirt!

The Echo Ohs are celebrating the release of Hot Pockets with a show at The Wine Cellar on Friday 8th September supported by Queen Neptune and Ounce. Head over here to pick up tickets, and there is a special option for entry + a copy of the vinyl.


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Echo Ohs Album Release
Fri 8th Sep 8:30pm
The Wine Cellar, Auckland