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Whammyfest 2017 Lineup Announced

Whammyfest 2017 Lineup Announced

Monday 9th October, 2017 9:14AM

Auckland's finest underground venue Whammy Bar are celebrating their tenth anniversary with a huge Halloween blowout and an outrageously fine mix of local artists and special guests from throughout Aotearoa! The third annual Whammyfest is expanding this year to a two night party spread through the interconnected venues of Whammy Bar, the Wine Cellar and Backroom; along with the killer bands there'll be markets, a vegan pie eating competition, games, prizes and more.

Here's Whammy proprietors Lucy Macrae and Tom Anderson on a decade of supporting Auckland's subterranean sounds:

"On the last weekend of October we'll be celebrating 10 years of Whammy! That's 10 years since Rohan and Mikey opened the doors, 3 years since Lu and Tom kept it going and 18 months since Backroom joined the underground party. Thanks to everyone who's worked, booked, played, partied or supported Whammy in any way for the last decade. Here's to another one."

Check out the first lineup below, start planning your spooky costume and stay tuned for more info...

Whammyfest 2017 - 10 Years of Whammy!
Friday 27th October / Saturday 28th October, Whammy! Backroom and Wine Cellar, Auckland

Featuring... Dad Jokes, Disasteradio (Wellington), Dbldbl, Echo Ohs , Eyeliner (Wellington), Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing , Heavy, Meer, Queen Neptune , Silicon, Sere, Tvx (Wellington) , The Vietnam War, Yoko Zuna , Zero Cool (Wellington)

JUST ADDED (Monday 16th October): Randa, The Pleasure Majenta, Human Resource, George Turner, Power Nap, Grubby Awful Boys featuring Where's Joe?, Nuggiez featuring Where's Joe?, Creatures, Hagseed, Club Stupid,Te Huhu, Threat.Meet.Protocol., Super Narco Man, A.C. Freazy.

Weekend tickets are on sale HERE at UTR for $25 (night passes will be available on the door... if they haven't already sold out!).

Here's Whammy mainstays The Echo Ohs with their video for 'Up Their River'...

Wellington digital pop artist Disasteradio with his recently released clip for 'Oh Yeah'...

And here is the Vietnam War's 2007 classic 'Heavy On My Mind'...


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