Listen To Sandy Mill's Collection 'A Piece Of Me'
Soul legend Sandy Mill has today unveiled her much-anticipated eight track collection A Piece Of Me, spanning hook-packed groovy numbers, slow-burning balladry and two upbeat remixes from Misled Convoy and Dean Webb. Originally hailing from Gisbourne and of Ngati Porou descent, Mill performed alongside Don McGlashan and Sean Donnelly (SJD) in The Bellbirds, and has worked with the likes of local groups New Telepathics, Dub Asylum, and with international heavy hitters Basement Jaxx, Gary Numan, and more.
Mill is celebrating both the record's release and International Sauvignon Blanc Day tonight with her live band at Auckland's Lula Inn, and will be performing at the annual Borderline Music Festival in early June. The new collection features a tonne of special guest collaborators, including Jeremy Toy (She's So Rad), Milan Borich (Pluto), Dianne Swann (The Bads), Darryn Harkness (New Telepathics), and the aforementioned Donnelly. Listen up to A Piece Of Me below...
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