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Girlboss Unveil Date Night Remix Of 'Body Con'

Girlboss Unveil Date Night Remix Of 'Body Con'

Wednesday 25th July, 2018 9:17AM

Wellington guitar-pop crew girlboss have shared a futuristic remix of the title track to their debut collection Body Con, remained by Date Night, aka the synth-pop project of the band's bassist Douglas Kelly. The new version encases singer / guitarist Lucy Botting's heartfelt vocals in a cybernetic armour of digital beats and swirling electronics. Kelly shared a few words on the genesis of his track, stating, "The whole thing is done on a Korg MS-20 and a drum machine. I thought it'd be a fun experiment to try capture all of the band's emotion using only synthesisers." The band will be partying it up at Wellington's San Fran this Friday with musical buds Zero Cool and namesake to celebrate their new release, listen up below...

'Body Con' is out now on limited edition cassette via Ball Of Wax.


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Girlboss, Zero Cool, Namesake
Fri 27th Jul 8:00pm
San Fran, Wellington