Here's Five: The Johnnys Share Their Favourite Videos
Australian cow-punk legends The Johnnys are touching down in Aotearoa for five special shows this week - their first local tour in twenty eight years, being held in tribute to their recently deceased guitarist Spencer P. Jones (also of Beasts of Bourbon). With a back catalogue stretching all the way back to 1983, the trio of Graham Hood, Slim Doherty and Billy Pommer Jr are primed and ready to bust out party-starting hit after hit. To whet your appetite for the shows kicking off this Wednesday at Dunedin's The Cook, guitarist Doherty selected his favourite videos created for the barn-storming group, and generously provided his reflections on the sometimes hair-raising circumstances surrounding each clip...
1. 'Buzz Saw Baby'
Filmed in and around Tamworth was our respectful salute to the Mecca of Australian Country and Western Music. Although never fully embraced by Australia's Country Music aficionados we did and still do have a few loyal fans in the bush. Chad Morgan played a few shows with us in Sydney many moons ago and loved us as we did him - he has a cameo in this clip and it is an honour to have shared the screen with this legend. I have an Eko Electric guitar Chad 'signed' with his pocket knife which I still treasure immensely.
2. 'Injun Joe'
Another cameo appearance this time from Reg Mombasa as the preacher man. Bloody Kiwis all over the shop in this one - directed by Fane Flaws who did a brilliant job for the $67.00 he was paid for to work his magic here - no animals were injured whilst filming this epic.
3. 'Elvisly Yours'
More fun here and the suits are all genuine Elvis Presley worn apparel [we all got high sniffing E's sweat that was imbued into these be-jewelled hipster jumpsuits]. Eddie Youngblood was our inspiration for this clip. Eddie worked the RSL Elvis Impersonator circuit back in the day. His favourite saying when he'd had a few was "I'm gettin a bit Franz Liszt."
4. 'Showdown'
Filming this was like playing a game of football. There must have been 500 Johnnys fans in the Western themed restaurant this was clip was shot in. The fans all wanted face time in the shoot and wrestled with us for the best strategic position somewhat like the All Blacks' much vaunted scrum - we prevailed in the end unlike The Wallabies. Oh yeah, Angry Anderson from Rose Tattoo is in this clip but I cant remember why - maybe cos he's bald and we were thinking of Yul Brynner in the film West World.
5. 'Bleeding Heart'
We were Very Cold in this one and all of us have a huge party hangover cos it was filmed in the high country and I guess you must get high up there as a matter of course - when in Rome etc - mind you Mountains in Australia are piss weak compared to New Zealand. The mountain scenery in NEW ZEALAND always reminded me of those alpine themed biscuit tins my Nanna used to get out when we would have a cuppa together - anyway I have to go now and watch the footy... enjoy.
The Johnnys' national tour kicks off this Wednesday 26th September at Dunedin's The Cook w/ Bulletproof Convertible before marching onwards to Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland and Leigh. For tickets and more info, mosey along over here.
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