Watch Fanfickk's Video 'Pity Party'
Auckland-based cyber pop artist Fanfickk has unveiled a endearingly depressive video for her latest single ‘Pity Party’, which originally released on Valentines Day. Filmed around Rotorua on a Sony Cybershot camera by the artist's friend Heather, the clip pairs the relatable chorus of “Oh yeah, my lines are shit, I know, I’m not talented, I know, my accent sounds stupid” with imagery of Fanfickk laying face-down at a selection of local locations – beaches, foodcourt seats, outside of a Destiny Church, a K Mart, in a supermarket freezer section, by a trio of public park bins and in front of a crudely grafitti'd half-pipe – like a kind of alternative form of suburban parkour. Fanfickk lifted the lid her inspirations for the hilariously sad sack yet boppy tune, explaining “I was musically inspired by Peaches, Darcy Clay, and Paul Simon, and thematically by my rubbish personality." Check out the video here...
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