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Chelsea Wolfe Announces New Album + Unveils First Single 'The Mother Road'

Chelsea Wolfe Announces New Album + Unveils First Single 'The Mother Road'

Wednesday 19th June, 2019 12:31PM

US songwriter Chelsea Wolfe, queen of the goths, has emerged from her crypt to announce the release date of her seventh studio album and offer forth the first single, ‘The Mother Road’. Birth Of Violence will rise from a giant, fiery crack in the earth Friday 13th September, probably during the witching hour. 'The Mother Road' is like a folk song that’s been to hell and back, with lyrics that tell a story of being torn down and coming out the other side better for it. Chelsea Wolfe sings “building a broken but precious web, like a spider in Chernobyl” while frankly terrifying strings cut through her vocals, held up by a steady heart beat of kick drum and toms. Best enjoyed sitting in a large star painted on the floor surrounded by 200 candles and a 13th century demon, listen to Chelsea Wolfe's first release in two years...

Chelsea Wolfe's seventh studio album 'Birth Of Violence' will be summoned Friday 13th September.


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