Watch SoccerPractise's Video For 'Posture'
Tāmaki Makaurau's SoccerPractise gave us an electrifying new anthem with last week's release of 'Posture', the team of Geneva Alexander-Marsters, Thom Burton and Leo Horgan's first single in in nearly a year. The trio have revealed their forthcoming "visual album" Te Pō is dropping this October, and shared an appropriately energised video for the song directed by Erica Skelnars (Lady Lazerlight) and Dan Harris (Illojgali), filmed in Hong Kong during the first weeks of the ongoing protests, featuring dance and choreography by Sudhee Liao. The clip delivers a visually destabilising, edge of your seat experience as Sudhee Liao charges through Hong Kong's crammed alleyways to SoccerPractice's brooding sonics, watch 'Posture' here...
SoccerPractise's new album 'Te Pō' is launching this October.
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