Weekly Roundup: Friday 25th September
It's been a heavy hearted week as we remembered Reuben Samuel Winter (Totems, milk, Caroles, Bandicoot, KCB), who passed away far too young at the age of 26. It's impossible to overstate the impact Reuben had on our community over the past decade and more, transcending genres and generations with an easygoing flair few would even dare to strive for. We encourage you to explore and appreciate the quality of his staggeringly wide-ranging artistic output, handily gathered together for your listening convenience here.
Friday 25th September
Auckland: Taiko 6 Live, Ponsonby Social Club
Auckland: Battle Chorus - Wintergarden, The Civic
Auckland: Sam Cullen - The Wine Cellar
Wellington: Mousey - The Third Eye
Wellington: Neil Macleod - San Fran
Christchurch: Marlin's Dreaming - Cassels Blue Smoke
Christchurch: Anna Coddington - Wunderbar
Dunedin: By The Light Of The Moon - Knox Church
Saturday 26th September
Whangarei: Jordan Luck Band - The Old Stone Butter Factory
Auckland: Echo Children, East Of Queen - MoveSpace
Auckland: Salve Jorge - Ponsonby Social Club
Wellington: Reid & Ruins - The Opera House
Wellington: Riiki, Tom Verberne and Eli Superflyy - San Fran
Wellington: Impalerfest - DVB Brewery
Blenheim: Mousey - The Plant
Christchurch: Chris William, Swan Sisters, Ryan Fisherman - Space Academy
Christchurch: Sam Cullen - darkroom
Dunedin: Baseline 2020 - Wingatui Racecourse
Head over to our Gig Guide for more listings!!
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