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Listen To Shamir's Self-Titled New Album

Listen To Shamir's Self-Titled New Album

Annabel Kean / Friday 2nd October, 2020 12:42PM

Today Shamir presents their genre-defying self-titled album Shamir, their 7th full length album at just 25 years old. The Las Vegas songwriter has an ability to breeze into any realm and blend club, folk or punk with their own distinctive sound, and for this release they've even spliced skits between the almost brit-poppy 'On My Own', the full-blown knees up country of 'Other Side', and the crackly, dream-rock in the rest of the album. Shamir's music is intelligent, their skits funny and their style enviable, I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't be tickled by at least one of these killer tracks. Have a wee listen below, but wait for 8pm tonight to buy the album during Bandcamp Friday...

Friday fashion inspo in the self directed, edited and styled clip for 'On My Own'...

Shamir's seventh full length album is out on streaming services.


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