Listen To Three Releases From mf/mp - L$D Fundraiser, Public Outlet (공공콘센트), 'TRACE'
Marching to the beat of their own drum / DIY sound making device, Aotearoa experimental imprint mf/mp recently unfurled three new collections for your ears to engage with, all available in beautifully packaged limited physical editions here. Documenting sounds created on-site at Dunedin's Blue Oyster Art Project Space in November 2018, TRACE presents six artists interpreting an idea of 'trace music' via a series of interconnected sound installations — featuring immersive works all clocking around the six minute mark by Sam Longmore, Sally Ann McIntyre, Charlotte Parallel, Leben Young, Karl Leisky and William Henry Meung. Listen below and head over to the mf/mp Bandcamp page for full contextual info regarding each track.
Perhaps most 'famous' to the wider public for inadvertently having a limited cassette release confused with an explosive device in 2017, L$D Fundraiser's TODAY WILL BE THE GREATEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE eschews such controversies with two slowly drifting tracks of free-noise / guitar-drone. Sounding distinctly new agey and psychedelic in intent, Dene Barnes (Wolfskull, Spacewolf 2) conjures up a meditative aural setting for sinking deep into the armchair / couch of your choosing, and is in fact pretty dang great at doing so.
Framed by "an on-going set of happenings arising from a policy of group sound improvisation," 공공콘센트 (Public Outlet) is an ever-changing Korean improvising ensemble with an Aotearoa connection, whose contributors have included Chrissie Butler and Kieran Monaghan aka Mr Sterile Assembly. The diverse sounds transmitted almost documentary style on Field_to_Interface (현장소리 녹음_부터_인터페이스 까지) invite us to delve into contemplative modes of consciousness, asking "And so… how do recordings of sounds found in the environment function for various people? What kind of interactive possibilities arise?" An answer suggested in response by this listener is "Yes" — hit play on all three tracks right here...
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