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Premiere: Milk's Video For 'Crit+'

Premiere: Milk's Video For 'Crit+'

Chris Cudby / Wednesday 28th April, 2021 12:44PM

Released late last week via Flying Nun Records in conjunction with launch events throughout Aotearoa, Milk III celebrates the work of much-loved sonic visionary Reuben Samuel Winter (Waitaha / Kāi Tahu / Te Aupōuri / Te Rarawa / Ngāti Kuri). Recorded in 2019 and completed before he passed away in September last year, the new album is deservedly currently sitting near the very top of the NZ album charts (surrounded by Six60 albums), and sharing company on the official top 40 album charts alongside Taylor Swift and The Weeknd. We're absolutely stoked to premiere today a new video created by his partner Grace Verweij for the soaring 'Crit+' from the record, compiled from evocative footage assembled by Winter and overlaid with glimpses of drawings from his notebooks...

"Reuben was always excited by expansive motorways and highways — he would find and collect old driving footage, and was especially into stuff filmed on VHS cameras. Last year he asked me to make a music video for him using some of the footage he liked. It felt important to be true to my word, so I made this one during the tour for his album release. While I was editing, I was reminded a lot of when Milk briefly toured California and Nevada with PHF, and how nice it was to see Reuben enjoy the super-big highways.

The drawings in the video are Reuben's, taken from various notebooks, and they can also be found on the lyrics sheet included in the LP. Crit+ feels like the ultimate road-trip anthem, so it felt like the perfect song to make a video for." - Grace Verweij

'Milk III' is out now digitally and on vinyl LP via Flying Nun Records. All profits from the record will be split between Fibromyalgia Aotearoa New Zealand (he lived with fibromyalgia and chronic pain for close to a decade) and his whānau and future fund.


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