Listen To 'The Once You Know EP'
When he's not drumming up a storm and cooking up boisterous surf-rock tracks with his Solo Ono bandmates, Pōneke artist Jordan Stewart puts on his songwriter hat for days like today and shares lush, fuzzy guitar melodies as Once You Know. Having drip fed singles 'Highways' and 'Voices' mid-way through the year, Once You Know gave us plenty of warning for their The Once You Know EP and the indie-rock goodness lying within. The five track release spans sparse, dream-pop valleys, all the way to full-band, cymbal crashing highs, reminding me of all my favourite sounds from the likes of New Order and even fellow Wellingtonians Glass Vaults. Stewart and the Once You Know band hit the Vogelmorn Bowling Club this Saturday for a double EP release party with their pals Solo Ono, who are celebrating the release of their new EP Lavender. Snap up tickets below, and hit play on The Once You Know EP...
Double EP Release: Solo Ono And Once You Know, With Danica Bryant
Saturday 20th November - Vogelmorn Bowling Club, Wellington
Tickets available HERE via UTR
'The Once You Know EP' is out now on major streaming services.
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