Traffic Light Settings Announced For Aotearoa
More details on the forthcoming traffic light system were revealed by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern this afternoon. From 11:59pm, Thursday 2nd December, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland along with a number of North Island districts will transition from alert Level 3 to Red, while the rest of NZ will shift to Orange, these settings will be in place for the next two weeks. This is excellent news for many upcoming gigs, as venues using vaccine passes at Orange can run live shows without audience restrictions [fistpump] under the new COVID-19 Protection Framework, just in time for the forthcoming weekend. Here's what each traffic light setting means for our live music community, according to the covid19.govt.nz site:
Red — Auckland, Northland, Taupō and Rotorua Lakes Districts, Kawerau, Whakatāne, Ōpōtiki Districts, Gisborne District, Wairoa District, Rangitikei, Whanganui and Ruapehu Districts
Record keeping and scanning are required.
Face coverings are mandatory on public venues, and encouraged elsewhere.
There can be up to 100 people, based on 1-metre distancing, in a single defined space at the venue at any time [where My Vaccine Passes are used]
More details on Red HERE
Orange — the rest of New Zealand
Record keeping and scanning are required.
Face coverings are mandatory in public venues, and encouraged elsewhere.
There are no limits on the number of people who can be at the venue. You do not have to be seated to be served [where My Vaccine Passes are used].
More details on Orange HERE
Promotors can update their gigs with the new “Covid Pass Required” check box HERE
Request your My Vaccine Pass HERE
Full official info available on My Vaccine Pass HERE
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