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Listen To Imugi 이무기's 'Dragonfruit: The Remixes'

Listen To Imugi 이무기's 'Dragonfruit: The Remixes'

Annabel Kean / Monday 13th December, 2021 10:41AM

Further expanding the Dragonfruit collaborative universe, Imugi 이무기 have invited an all-killer line up of producers and local talent to rework the seven titles on their 2020 EP, plus bonus track 'Swimming (nate Fox, Sushi Ceej & The Kount Remix)'. Teased with Dera Meelan's take on 'Y U Always Acting Like A Fool' late last month, we now get to enjoy the entire blissful refresh of the Tāmaki hip hop duo's EP, featuring a percussion-packed KÉDU CARLÖ mix of 'Portals', an electrified rework of 'Reflections' courtesy of Leaping Tiger, Amamelia's lux version of 'Somebody Else', and stacks more from Borrowed cs, swrly and Alexa Casino. Like a sweet Christmas treat before they tour the country with Broods and Flamingo Pier this December / January, UTR Trash Recital stars Yery Cho and producer Carl Ruwhiu set us up with a new summer soundtrack on Dragonfruit: The Remixes...

Imugi 이무기's 'Dragonfruit: Remixed' is out now.


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