Best Bets Share Single 'Whataworld'
As 2021 draws to a close, it's time to reflect on all the weirdness that went down this year on the cosmic orb we collectively call Planet Earth. Canterbury fuzz guitar kingpins Best Bets are up for the challenge with 'Whataworld', busting out tumbling hook after hook as they zap listeners with their outer space power-pop pontifications on our everyday state of affairs. It's the snappy second single unveiled from the the Ōtautahi-based gang of Olly Crawford-Ellis, James Harding (both of Transistors), Matt Phimmavanh ("Christchurch primary schools orchestra 1998-99") and Joe Sampson's (Salad Boys, T54, The Dance Asthmatics) forthcoming debut album On An Unhistoric Night produced by Brian Feary — launching on 15th April on vinyl via Meritorio Records (US / EU / UK) and Melted Ice Cream (rest of world). Listen up to 'Whataworld' here...
'Whataworld' is out now via major streaming services.
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