Listen To Dale Kerrigan's New Album 'The Water'
Racking up two studio albums in just over a year, Ōtepoti four piece Dale Kerrigan venture even further into uncharted territory on the water, launched late last week by local independent champions trace / untrace. Feeling even more exploratory than the distorted noise rock sonics unleashed on their debut record noise bitch, the new long player lurches from frenzied skronk-fests, almost doomy skull-stomping riffs and hyper-energised heavy psychedelia — moving to quiet(er) moments of melodic southern gothic grandeur on 'fascia' with the steady sure-footedness of a tightrope walker (and / or the wild-eyed abandon of a rum-soaked captain). As with noise bitch, all songs are written by Shlee Nicholls (Mary Berry, Flesh Bug), mixed and recorded at Bank St by Zac Nicholls (Koizilla). Don't miss Dale Kerrigan tearing it up on the next leg of their album release tour, hitting the North Island with special guests this coming weekend...
Dale Kerrigan The Water Album Release Tour
Friday 9th September - Whammy Bar, Auckland w/ Soft Bait, Ringlets
Saturday 10th September - MOON, Wellington w/ DAFM
Friday 30th September - Dive, Dunedin* w/ Pretty Dumb, Bathysphere
Tickets available HERE via UTR
'the water' is out now on major streaming services.
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