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Adam Hattaway and The Haunters Unveil New Album 'Bug Eyes'

Adam Hattaway and The Haunters Unveil New Album 'Bug Eyes'

Chris Cudby / Photo credit: Nayhauss / Friday 4th November, 2022 1:13PM

If you don't know yet that Adam Hattaway is a man of action, Bug Eyes — the new album from the Ōtautahi rock 'n' roll tunesmith and his powerhouse group The Haunters — will get you right up to speed. The fifth studio record in four years from the prolific Cantabrian crew, Bug Eyes is a sprawling twelve song opus, bundling together soul-powered roots rock, reflective crooning balladry, cheeky moments of unabashed braggadocio, touches of summer friendly reggae / ska and even a 'Disco Surprise' into one joyfully diverse package. All served up with considerable charm and heart-on-sleeve energy, the seasoned veterans of the stage will deservedly be celebrating their latest record with shows throughout Australasia this month and next. Don't miss Adam Hattaway & the Haunters bringing the boogie tonight at Tāmaki Makaurau's The Wine Cellar...

"We have a deep, intense need. And that need is to play reggae. OK maybe not. Or is it? I dunno. Or maybe it's disco. I dunno. All I know is the people have spoken and we know what they want to dance to. I think."

Adam Hattaway & The Haunters 'Bug Eyes' Tour
Aotearoa dates

Friday 4th November - The Wine Cellar, Auckland w/ Rick Topp
Saturday 12th November - Community Hall, Le Bons Bay
Friday 18th November - Peace Memorial Hall, Ophir
Saturday 19th November - Musicians Club, Invercargill
Sunday 20th November - Victorian Fete, Oamaru
Friday 9th December - Space Academy, Christchurch w/ Don Coulter

Tickets available HERE via UTR (ticket with vinyl LP / CD options available)

Victoria, Australia dates

Thursday 24th November - Lulie Tavern, Abbotsford, supporting Amends (free show)
Friday 25th November - The Retreat, Brunswick w/ Jess Parker
Saturday 26th November - The Redhill Tavern, Chewton
Sunday 27th November - The Tanswells Hotel, Beechworth
Tuesday 29th November - Wesley Anne, Northcote

'Bug Eyes' is out today — available digitally as well as on compact disc & vinyl HERE.


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Adam Hattaway And The Haunters - Bug Eyes Tour
Sat 12th Nov 7:00pm
Le Bons Bay Hall, Banks Peninsula
Adam Hattaway And The Haunters - Bug Eyes Tour
Fri 18th Nov 7:00pm
Ophir Peace Memorial Hall, Alexandra
Adam Hattaway And The Haunters - Bug Eyes Tour
Sat 19th Nov 7:30pm
Southland Musicians Club, Invercargill
Adam Hattaway And The Haunters - Bug Eyes Tour
Fri 9th Dec 8:30pm
Space Academy, Christchurch