Listen to Rita Mae's Debut EP 'Superfeeling'
Preceded by a sterling run of singles, Rita Mae has propelled her seven track debut EP Superfeeling out into the world. Opening with the line, "All this dark has got to go somewhere" on the anthemic title track, the rising Muriwai songwriter ventures onwards to divulge the intricacies of emotions and relationships, gracing the EP with intimate, powerful vocals, complimenting the artists' brooding, alt-pop sound. Veering into noirish emo-rap territory on collaborative track 'Sunny Afternoon' with skinnyandsoft, Rita Mae's Superfeeling is being celebrated with a release show tonight at Tāmaki Makaurau's Whammy Bar, featuring support from Crystal Chen — note: there's a discounted combined ticket option so you can also catch Tom Verberne's single release show next door at The Wine Cellar...
Rite Mae - EP Release Show
Friday 5th May - Whammy Bar, Auckland w/ Crystal Chen
Tickets available HERE via UTR
'Superfeeling' is out today on major streaming services.
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