K M T P Returns With Single / Video '2:45 (Getting Old)' + Announces Debut Album
"I guess getting old isn't easy" observes Keria Paterson (Te Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāi Tahu) in '2:45 (Getting Old)', the Tāmaki Makaurau artist's first new tune under the K M T P umbrella in more than two years, the lead single from their just-announced debut album With Love, K M T P, out on 28th September. Lamenting how our workaday grind can wear us down and keep us away from those we love, Paterson kicks up a dust storm of distorted strings, hefty percussion, and heart-swelling vocal chants.
The songwriter gathers buds close in the suitably uplifting accompanying clip, directed by Sports Team and made with support from NZ On Air — larking about with bandmates in a lush orchard blooming with fun-times potential, and getting down to biz with some skate-friendly crafting. The sonically powerful group will be playing a double release shindig next Saturday at NiceGoblins HQ with fellow Sunreturn compadre Babe Martin — grab tickets while you can, hit that play button and scope out the full album tracklist below...
Babe Martin / K M T P - Single Release
Saturday 24th June - Nice Goblins HQ (220A Dominion Road), Auckland
Tickets available HERE via UTR
"I wrote 2:45 (Getting Old) in 2020. At the time, I wanted to explore more in standard tuning, and write something similar to a lot of the NZ songs I listened to growing up. The song deals with personal experiences I went through living at an old flat, as well as how I was doing mentally and physically at the time. It’s kind of a check-in song for me; a reminder to make sure I’m doing ok and to not take things too seriously all the time.
2:45 (Getting Old) marks the middle of the record, and sort of lifts the vibe back up before getting into some heavier tracks near the end of the album. I’ve tried to guide the listener on an emotional journey throughout the album, so I think the track serves as a bit of relief before things are kicked up a notch." — Keria Paterson
‘With Love, K M T P’ is out on vinyl LP, cassette and digitally on 28th September via Sunreturn — preorders available HERE.
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