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Dougfest Lineup Announced ft. Cootie Cuties, Melanie + More

Dougfest Lineup Announced ft. Cootie Cuties, Melanie + More

Chris Cudby / Wednesday 9th August, 2023 12:33PM

Hailed as one of Aotearoa's finest live music venues by seemingly every single out of town band that plays there, Kirikiriroa's Last Place will be soon hosting a sizzling jam-packed bill for Dougfest over two nights this October. Bundling together "12 of the best bands from around the North Island" for the Waikato spring spectacular, scope out the lineup details for each evening and secure your spot pronto...

Dougfest - Last Place, Hamilton

Friday 20th October - Talismer, Cootie Cuties, Static, Achilles Complex, Mega Maw, Thief n Zard (Night 1 tickets HERE)
Saturday 21st October - Qualms, The Boondocks, Pink Plates, Edible, Melanie, Stray Dogs (Night 2 tickets HERE)

Double night passes available HERE via UTR

Listen to Cootie Cuties' 2022 Halloween hit 'I got stood up by the creature from the black lagoon and all I got was this lousy t​-​shirt'...

Check out "Mid-West-Auckland Emo” crew Melanie's 2023 single 'Accident, Emergency'...


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Dougfest - Night 1
Fri 20th Oct 8:00pm
Last Place, Hamilton
Dougfest - Night 2
Sat 21st Oct 8:00pm
Last Place, Hamilton