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Listen To The Drums' New Album 'Jonny'

Listen To The Drums' New Album 'Jonny'

Samantha Cheong / Photo credit: Qiao Meng / Friday 13th October, 2023 10:32AM

The now solo alt-pop project of Jonathan 'Jonny' Pierce (not to be confused with the similarly named maestro from The Beths),  NYC's The Drums today launches his namesake sixth studio album Jonny via ANTI- Records. The sixteen track record is a soul wrenching love letter to his troubled religious upbringing and the overcoming of childhood trauma. His freshest single ‘Better’ is a dark ray of upbeat indie-pop light about returning towards a familiar solitude following a codependent relationship. Pierce also today gifts us with a glimmering video set in a ballroom for ‘Dying’, featuring American rapper / singer Rico Nasty. Directed by Kevin Lombardo, the loneliness of the track meets the visuals of dancing bodies on screen, captured by gorgeously graded cinematography.

The vulnerable album cover of a naked Pierce was fittingly self-shot in his childhood home, as his direct conversation with his younger self is a major and gratifying theme of empowerment. The multi-instrumentalist allowed himself to take his sweet time with this project, in a departure from the past pride he took when he could dish out a song within minutes. Talk about growth. Grab a copy to heal your inner child below…

“When I finished “Jonny”, I listened to it, and I heard my soul reflected back at me. It is devastating and triumphant, it is lost and found, it is confused and certain, it is wise and foolish. It is male and female, it is hard and gentle. To encapsulate ones' whole self in an album, to honor each and every part of you — even the parts that feel at odds with each other, is to make something deeply human, and because my religion is humanism, the album becomes a sacred place for me to worship. Each feeling a different pew, each song a hymn to the human heart.”

Get swept away in the new ballroom video for 'Dying' featuring Rico Nasty...

'Jonny' is out today on major streaming platforms via ANTI- Records.


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