Listen To Grayson Gilmour's 'Holding Patterns (Remixes)'
Holding Patterns (Remixes) caps off a significant year for Grayson Gilmour, which saw the Te Whanganui-a-Tara songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and award-winning film composer launch his first new solo album in six years. Today's four track remix collection maintains that record's open-eared spirit, including rave-inflected ethereal sonics from Felix Holton (drummer for BENEE), a propulsive club-friendly take on 'Here We Are' by Aotearoa-born / Berlin producer Yvois, multi-instrumentalist Motte's atmospheric ten minute reimagining of the title tune, and Julien Dyne's hyperkinetic jazz-inflected version of 'Maat Mons' — listen below...
"Remixes are one of the most rewarding parts of releasing an album -- they completely re-invent the way I hear my own music, and also introduce my listeners to the work of artists that I admire. In a way, they really set the album free -- it's no longer just my idea of how things should sound..." — Grayson Gilmour
'Holding Patterns (Remixes)' is out today on major streaming platforms via Flying Nun Records.
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