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NILE Announce Auckland Headline Show

NILE Announce Auckland Headline Show

Chris Cudby / Monday 27th May, 2024 11:00AM

Absolute titans in the harsh realm of eardrum eviscerating, inhumanly virtuosic death metal, NILE are making good on their promise to return to Aotearoa, announcing today a headline event at Tāmaki Makaurau's Whammy Bar on 22nd October. Originally all set to visit our shores in 2020 before the global pandemic necessitated different plans, the South Carolina trailblazers will finally play material from their latest album Vile Nilotic Rites (via Nuclear Blast, their ninth studio release) on local soil — hailed by Metal Injection as a vital evolution of their tech-death style. Helmed by singer / guitarist Karl Sanders who co-founded the group in 1993, NILE draw dark inspiration from Egyptology and eldritch writings of H. P. Lovecraft. The metal hordes will be out in force for this one, so best grab tickets while you can — brought to you by Valhalla Touring...

Tuesday 22nd October - Whammy Bar, Auckland

Tickets on sale now HERE via UTR

Watch NILE in action, busting out the massive title track to their 2019 album Vile Nilotic Rites...

Experience NILE's classic 'Sacrifice Unto Sebek' from their 2005 album Annihilation of the Wicked...

Press release:

There is death metal and then there is NILE.

South Carolina death metal masters NILE are making their long awaited return to Aotearoa in October 2024. The band’s New Zealand tour for their 2019 album Vile Nilotic Rites was initially cancelled due to the pandemic. Now after four long years, nothing can stop us from witnessing NILE’s brutal death metal in the flesh.

Formed in 1993 and still fronted by founding member Karl Sanders, NILE have continued to craft unsparingly ferocious and bone-crushingly heavy anthems over their time as a band. Devastatingly uncontestable, NILE’s technical ferocity shows utterly zero signs of diminishing with their ninth studio album Vile Nilotic Rites. Containing 11 songs that are as sharp as obsidian blades and as heavy as nine Nubian pyramids, the rulers have instilled a hammer blow of god-like heaviness.

Drawing inspiration from Egyptology, they’ve established their own new themes for technical death metal to instill the power of the ancient gods in all who witness them.

The time has surfaced to reacquaint diehard New Zealand fans with NILE’s saurian whirlwind and provocative funerary spells.


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Tue 22nd Oct 7:30pm
Whammy Bar, Auckland