Kraus Announces Nationwide Tour of Aotearoa
If someone (a doctor?) were to say the word "Kraus" to me during one of those free-association psychological tests, I would instantly blurt out "great electronic music from Aotearoa". Fellow fans will be counting down the days for the Tāmaki Makaurau-based psychedelic synthesist's just-announced Kraus NZ Tour 2024, commencing at Pōneke's Pyramid Club on 4th October, then venturing to Ōtepoti, Ōtautahi, Te Waiharakeke / Blenheim and the super city's Audio Foundation this spring. The artist's newest album Crystal Motors (his twenty second long player according to Wikipedia, we suspect there are more) is a multi-faceted gem ideal for mid-afternoon herbal tea-sipping sessions, plus Kraus' YouTube page has been a hotbed of innovative audio-visual activity over the past couple of years. Joined by special guests in each location, get tickets for Kraus today...
Kraus NZ Tour 2024
Friday 4th October - Pyramid Club, Wellington w/ Bone Chapel, DSLB
Saturday 5th October - Yours, Dunedin w/ E-Kare, ß&
Friday 11th October - Space Academy, Christchurch w/ Twin Rudders, Stonehenge Aotearoa
Saturday 12th October - Pluto (The Chapel), Blenheim w/ Twin Rudders
Friday 1st November - Audio Foundation, Auckland w/ Ducklingmonster, Hermione Johnson
Tickets on sale HERE via UTR
Experience 'Snow Descending on a Mountain Lake' from Crystal Motors...
Press release:
Kraus (aka Pat Kraus, he/him) is a producer of psychedelic music based in Tāmaki Makaurau. Starting his musical life as a drummer in Ōtepoti bands such as The Futurians, Kraus has released over twenty solo albums since the turn of the millennium and performed widely in Aotearoa, Australia and Europe. Drawing on an extremely wide range of influences, from contemporary West African synth music (eg. Hama) to the outer limits of 70s psychedelia (Pärson Sound, Les Rallizes Denudes), and from early electronic pioneers such as Laurie Spiegel to the traditional folk music of East Asia, Kraus conjures a rich and evocative sound-world through vividly modal and minimal compositions for guitar, synthesizer and drums. His recent synth-heavy work melds sci-fi sound-design and hypnotic polyrhythms to create new forms of head-spinning electronic music.
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